Another product that trips me out

Another product that trips me out

Trader Joe’s, you got me. I was like, double take, jackfruit in a can (or tin as the British say)!! My Ugandan friends would be laughing so hard!! Unbelievable. I had never heard of this fruit and then only saw it in trees or the market and now it is showing up as a food trend in the U.S.



 (Photo: Prachaya Roekdeethaweesab/Shutterstock)

 (Photo: Prachaya Roekdeethaweesab/Shutterstock)

It really is a cool fruit and now a food trend in the U.S. Read here for nutritional benefits.

I never tried it in Uganda because I couldn’t get over the appearance. It’s like Star Wars meets Dr. Seuss. So much for all my anthropology training!

for more stories on sneaky culture shock or products that show up in strange places, click here and here

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