Incomplete thoughts on misapplication

Incomplete thoughts on misapplication

Photo by Angela Bailey on Unsplash

I have been musing on the idea of misapplication and I wasn’t sure if I had already written about some of the thoughts I am having. I find myself really trying to prepare myself for the next election cycle in my home country and not get run over like at a monster truck show or something. Is it possible in this political and social climate?

I did find a post I want to share here. I still like it and I am still thoughtful about the lessons we only began to learn during the pandemic.

Misapplication according to Merriam Webster.

noun (In other words, it’s a THING, right? We all do it . )

the act or an instance of applying something incorrectly or improperly or the act or an instance of misusing or spending something (such as public money) without proper authority.

Two synonyms jump out at me: wrong and offense.

I like thinking about offense a lot because so many conflicts come from offense which is rooted in misunderstanding.

The antonyms puzzle me: good deeds, behavior, kindness, honor, morality and obedience? Como?

Now, I am convicted that this is a deeper and more serious issue than I thought. I am wrestling with my concept of misapplication, but I am curious now how much damage misapplying actually does. I catch myself misapplying principals, concepts, or standards fairly regularly. The older I get, for sure, the more I realize I don’t know or even have a clue about, but I cringe at how this has not stopped me from voicing an opinion, giving advice or acting in a way that is wrong. My hypothesis was that synonyms would be prejudice or judgement, but maybe misapplication deals with the core, motives or root of our prejudices and judgments, which is deeper, problematic and sobering. If I am misapplying and don’t know it, how much damage am I doing? My kids are in the late teens and early 20’s currently, so I get a lot of pushback and have to explain and answer for almost any opinion or request that is disagreeable. I am challenged in a good way to WHY I do or think or say things on a regular basis. Thus, WHY I am pondering the concept of misapplying.

These are the questions I am asking myself as we go into election time:

Do I want to ASK questions or do I just want to QUESTION?

Where and how can I evaluate the ways that I am misapplying labels, analysis, and opinion?

How do I oversimplify or project my own values or experiences in unhelpful ways?

Am I willing to take some inventory and discover my own areas of misapplication even as I can recognize it so easily in others?

I keep thinking of the proverb that says one person sounds right until another steps forward. I can misapply judgement if I don’t have all the facts or at least take time to understand the argument as best I can.

I am deeply appreciating trying to seek wisdom at all costs because I really do not want to go down the same empty paths I did last election cycle and the last worldwide crisis of COVID. Like many others, I don’t think we are finished yet with turmoil and change. Misapplying has serious consequences and ramifications. It actually seems closer to corruption which motivates me to pay attention and not just brush that aside when I catch misapplication in my own life.

Debt to the Expat community

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Superior cutting boards